The Journey Begins...

Recovering from a life of addiction is a transformation and a metamorphosis... an unfolding journey of discovery.
It is a difficult and unfamiliar path and can be a bumpy road. This road is best followed together, hand in hand, with those who are on this same journey, and with the help of those having walked this same path before them.

the Journey...

History has proven that successful recovery is strongly influenced by - VIRTUALLY DEPENDENT upon - peer support... brave individuals joining in "fellowship," as they walk this unfamiliar path thru this brave new world... together.

Rivendell promotes, encourages and stresses this atmosphere... SO VITAL to the successful recovery of the newcomer.

rivendell... is a transitional living environment, catering to those individuals seeking affordable, supportive, clean and sober housing, as they make the transition from their past lives of isolation and dependency in active addiction, to a new and healthy lifestyle of responsibility, interdependence and accountability, in a positive progression toward re-integration into mainstream society, as productive and vital members of the community.

Newcomers come from a diversity of ethnic, demographic and geographic backgrounds... as we know, addiction knows no boundaries. Though they all have their own unique, individual stories and histories, for the purpose of their stay here, the underlying story's really all the same.

Rivendell is a "Fellowship of Peers" ...a common body with a common goal. All are welcome here if they have the honesty, humility and willingness... to stay clean and sober, to work a program of recovery, to be supportive of their community and to abide by a few simple rules and guidelines, laid out for the structure, support and comfort of the household, and conducive to recovery goals.